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Konjac Noodles

Wholesale Noodle Supplier

Konjac Noodles - East Asia’s Superfood

The Japanese have been eating konjac noodles for centuries, but as a leading wholesale noodle supplier, we can supply you with this superfood so your customers can also enjoy the many health benefits of introducing konjac noodles into their diet.

Konjac Noodles - East Asia’s Superfood

Konjac noodles start life as the konjac plant, a root vegetable that grows in the subtropical to tropical regions of Asia. It’s the tuber-like part of the stem grown underground, or corm, that is used to make konjac noodles.

Once dug up, the konjac corm is dried and ground down to make flour. The flour is mixed with water and lime water to create a dough, which can then be sliced up into noodles.

Konjac noodles are also known as shirataki noodles, miracle noodles or devil’s tongue noodles. Although they don’t have much flavour of their own, they take on the flavours of whatever they’re cooked with, making them ideal for ramen or curries. They’re also extremely filling, making them perfect for anyone who’s watching their weight.

Rise In Demand For Healthy Asian Food

As a wholesale ramen noodles supplier, we’ve seen a marked increase in the demand for konjac noodles in recent years. Like lots of Asian food products, konjac noodles are low in both calories and carbohydrates, making them the perfect alternative to more starch-heavy foods like pasta, rice or potatoes.

Konjac noodles are also a rich source of glucomannan that may reduce cholesterol, regulate blood sugar and improve digestion.

Trusted Instant Noodles Supplier In The UK

With our extensive network of leading Asian food manufacturers, you can rely on us to act as your trusted instant noodle supplier. Contact us today to find out how we can help you with all your product needs.